No matter how hard we try, curveballs will always find a way to sneak in. It’s an inevitability of life, and that’s perfectly fine — if we are prepared to handle them!
This season especially can feel hectic, rushed, overbooked and anxiety-ridden. So it’s the perfect time to put your focus on how you handle these stressors of life and make some tweaks to improve any areas that need a pick-me-up.
The thing about a worrisome mind is that it’s typically worrying about the future. This makes it extremely hard to be present, so being conscious of this is crucial. Practice being present and mindful of your current moment, the day you’re in right now, and with practice, you’ll notice the stress of tomorrow will dissipate over time.
Sometimes, when I feel particularly anxious, I focus on each of my senses. What do I smell right now? What do I see right now? What do I hear right now?
This brings you to the present moment and helps snap you out of your anxious thoughts.
Try it, it really works! What are your favorite ways to overcome anxious thoughts?